KASB Institute of Technology Private Limited is the parent body of KASB Institute of Technology (KASBIT) that was established in September 1999, through Registration with Securities & Exchange Commission of Pakistan. It is the first Private Sector Institute of Higher Education that was registered as a Corporate body. Since its inception, KASBIT has achieved many mile-stones that advocate its high standard, excellence and quality recognition.
KASBIT is Chartered by the Government of Sindh and recognized by the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan, which has also awarded the highest category W(4) rating to KASBIT in recognition of the high educational standards that it maintains.
The continuous success and growth of our Group Companies is a reflection of the innovative approach and commitment of over 50 years upon the tenet, “Tradition of Trust” that was envisaged by the founding father of the Group. The Group Companies play leading roles in Real Estate and Construction of Commercial and Residential Complexes, Land Development, Higher Education, Medical Services and Equipment, Commodity Trading, Import-Export, Media Network, Civil and Defense Purpose Technology and even Philanthropy.
KASBIT is recognized by the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan and has been awarded the highest ranking of W(4) under whom the standards of educational institutions are scrutinized and evaluated in Pakistan.
(Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business)
KASBIT became a member of the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), which is based in the US to ensure the quality and continuous improvements in collegiate management education. AACSB International produces and publishes a wide range of knowledge service publications and special reports on the trends and issues within management education. AACSB also plans to conduct extensive array of professional development programs for students and professionals and its membership ascertains the current standing of KASBIT.
KASBIT was certified by ISO in January 2002 in recognition of the high quality control system that it has in place. By this virtue, KASBIT became the first ISO-9001 Certified Degree Awarding Institute in the Private Sector of Pakistan. Since the inception of KASBIT, its management has remained highly conscious for attaining high standards and to earn recognition through performance based achievements based on which its Charter was granted by the Government of Sindh vide Ordinance No. XXII of 2001. KASBIT has grown into one of the most respected education institutions that contributes towards the qualitative education of students in the field of Management Science.
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