Program Profile
Fee Structure
Welcome to KASB Institute of Technology (KASBIT)
Department of Marketing, Management and Supply Chain

Head of Department: Abdullah Khan (

The Marketing department is responsible to focus on the practical applications of marketing techniques and the management of a firm’s marketing resources and activities.

As rapid emerging forces of globalization have compelled firms to market beyond the borders of their home country making International marketing highly significant and an integral part of a firm’s marketing strategy, the job of marketing has become from strategic level, tactical level to operational levels more challenging and difficult. KASBIT takes responsibility to provide high quality teaching with latest course material and practical applications to enable students to influence the level, timing, and composition of customer demand.

KASBIT inculcate ability in students to enable them to play marketing managers roles that vary significantly based on a business size, corporate culture, and industry context. These studies also have the capability to work as overall general managers of their assigned product and can create effective, cost-efficient marketing management strategy with proper understanding of objectives in their business and the market in which they operate.

Management is an effort for the purpose of achieving goals, and KASBIT also focuses on Management skills of students so that they may learn how to act in getting people to accomplish desired goals and objectives using available resources efficiently together. The job of manager is decision-making and at KASBIT we teach techniques that are both, quantities to that the maximum results are deserved with the minimum resources. From planning to controlling students are taught with real case studies KASBIT believes in the management principles that “to manage oneself is the pre-requisite for managing other”.